Monday, April 11, 2005

Interview and Pictures: JVC's ProHD Camcorders

Click here .

Mike's Comments (HDforIndies) - it'll be nice to have a midrange camera in the $30K price point. That gives us HD cameras in the $3K-$8K range, then again at $28K, then at $43K, then at $65K, then at $100K and up. Nice to have more options. I'm still very concerned about the MPEG-2 efficiency of this format and how well it holds up to color correction (I've had problems with the Sony HDV footage in this regard), we'll just have to wait and see. Nice glass, nice imagers etc. may all be great, but the compession may be the achilles heel on this one.

Beyond DV with FCP HD @

For those interested in moving up from DV.
Here is a great introduction:

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